Gilles Crofils

Gilles Crofils

Hands-On Chief Technology Officer

Based in Western Europe, I'm a tech enthusiast with a track record of successfully leading digital projects for both local and global companies.1974 Birth.
1984 Delved into coding.
1999 Failed my First Startup in Science Popularization.
2010 Co-founded an IT Services Company in Paris/Beijing.
2017 Led a Transformation Plan for SwitchUp in Berlin.
April 2024 Eager to Build the Next Milestone Together with You.

Hiking In The Mountains


Technology has significantly impacted hiking in the mountains, offering benefits such as GPS navigation, fitness tracking with wearable devices, improved photography through lightweight cameras and drones, enhanced safety with communication devices, and greater sustainability through conservation-focused apps. While some purists may view these advancements as detracting from the purity of the hiking experience, it is undeniable that technology has enhanced safety, accessibility, and overall enjoyment of mountain exploration.

Create an abstract illustration that depicts the fusion of technology with the timeless tradition of mountain hiking. Capture the essence of a hiker using GPS navigation on a wearable device to find their way through a stylized mountain range bathed in shades of blue. Integrate symbols of modern technology such as a drone flying overhead capturing breathtaking views, a lightweight camera slung over the hiker’s shoulder, and subtle representations of wearable fitness trackers monitoring the journey. Embed these elements within a serene, mountainous landscape that also alludes to technological enhancements improving safety and sustainability, such as a beacon of light representing improved communication devices and an abstract icon symbolizing conservation-focused apps intertwined with the natural environment. Ensure the overall atmosphere of the artwork conveys a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation, celebrating the enhanced accessibility and enjoyment of mountain exploration through technology, all rendered in a palette dominated by blue tones to evoke a sense of tranquility and depth.

the impact of technology on hiking

When I strap on my hiking boots and grab my trusty backpack, it's not just nature that I'm partnering with; it's an array of incredible technologies. From the thrill-seeker chasing epic views to the serene nature lover, technology has embedded itself into our mountain adventures, transforming the way we hike. While some purists might scoff at the digital gear accompanying us into the wilderness, I can't deny the excitement (and sometimes controversy!) that these gadgets bring.

Modern hikers, like myself, now navigate trails more accurately with GPS, track their health metrics through wearables, and capture stunning vistas with drones. These advancements make our outdoor escapades safer, more enjoyable, and provide peace of mind for both outdoor enthusiasts and their loved ones. Of course, amidst all these benefits, there's a healthy debate about whether tech-enhanced hiking still offers the 'raw' experience some of us yearn for. Whether you're a die-hard traditionalist or a tech-loving trekker, there's no denying that technology has fundamentally reshaped our mountain hiking experiences. Let's explore how this fusion of nature and innovation elevates our adventures to new peaks!

GPS navigation in mountain hiking

Remember those times when we'd unroll an oversized map, squint at the fine print, and turn it every which way to figure out where we were? Well, today's mountain hiking is a little less dramatic, thanks to the marvels of GPS navigation. Gone are the days of potentially awkward encounters with topographical maps (although I do miss the feeling of being a modern-day explorer).

These sophisticated GPS systems have truly turned the tables, offering precision that's lightyears ahead of the old paper maps. Imagine having a digital guide right in your pocket, showing you your exact location and the best possible routes to take, all in real-time. It feels a bit like having a loyal scout by your side, minus the feathery hat.

Thinking of taking that less beaten path? No problem. Pre-planned routes come in handy, allowing us to select trails based on difficulty, length, or even scenic beauty—perfect for impressing friends with our 'spontaneous but expertly planned' adventures. Plus, real-time location tracking means you can keep your anxious folks updated with your whereabouts, reducing the chances of becoming the unwitting subject of a rescue mission.

With the wonders of GPS, mountain hiking has transitioned from a navigation challenge to a delightful exploration, giving us more freedom to enjoy the journey rather than stress over every twist and turn. And let's be honest, anything that helps avoid the classic "I think we're lost" moment gets a big thumbs-up from me.

fitness tracking with wearable devices

Staying on top of our fitness game while taking on those rugged trails has become a lot more exciting, thanks to wearable technology. Whether you're a casual hiker or a hardcore mountaineer, these devices add an extra layer of fun and usefulness to our hiking adventures. The integration of fitness tracking features has revolutionized how we engage with our environment and ourselves.

Picture this: as we're navigating towards that breathtaking summit, our trusty wearable is diligently recording every step, calculating the distance we've covered, and measuring the elevation gain. This little gadget keeps tabs on our heart rate, giving us a real-time snapshot of how hard our body's working to conquer that incline. Oh, and let's not forget those calories we're burning off—every challenging step tracked and accounted for.

It's not just about the numbers, though. These devices add a motivational twist to our hikes. I often find myself setting new goals, whether it's beating my previous elevation record or simply maintaining my target heart rate zone. The feedback from these devices provides that extra push to reach the next milestone. Ticking off those goals one by one feels like earning badges of honor!

And let's face it, there's a buzz in knowing exactly how much blood, sweat, and effort went into climbing that peak. It's like having a personal coach cheering us on, except this one doesn't yell at us for taking a breather. So, with each hike, we're not just exploring nature; we're challenging ourselves and tracking our triumphs, making every adventure a testament to our endurance and growth.

photography advancements with lightweight cameras and drones

One of the most exciting changes in recent years is the way we've been able to document and share our hiking adventures, thanks to photography technology. Gone are the days of lugging around heavy camera gear, braving the elements just to capture that perfect shot. Today, lightweight cameras and drones have revolutionized our approach to photographing mountain landscapes.

I've always found it thrilling to stop mid-trail and whip out my compact, high-resolution camera to snap a quick picture of a stunning view. These cameras offer professional-quality images without breaking our backs. But let's talk about drones—those buzzing little aerial wonders that have opened new horizons for mountain photographers.

With a drone, we're no longer limited to ground-based perspectives. We can capture sweeping, bird's-eye views of peaks, valleys, and hidden trails that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. Imagine sending a drone to catch that sunrise from an angle no human could ever reach, or recording your entire trek through a time-lapse video that you'd proudly share with your hiking community. The creative possibilities seem endless!

By documenting our journeys so vividly, we can also connect with a broader audience. Social media platforms light up with photos and videos that not only capture the beauty of the great outdoors but also inspire others to grab their gear and hit the trails. And let's be honest, there's a particular satisfaction in seeing our friends' jaws drop at our latest drone footage of a cliffside hike. It feels like a little victory each time.

So next time you're out there, don't forget to pack your lightweight camera or drone. Whether you're a professional photographer or just a hobbyist like me, these advancements bring a whole new dimension to our hiking escapades, making each journey not just memorable, but beautifully documented.

enhanced safety through communication devices

Let's face it, as much as we love the thrill of hitting those remote mountain trails, the importance of staying connected can't be overstated. Communication devices have come to the rescue in so many ways, ensuring we can stay in touch, even when it feels like we're a world away from civilization.

Take satellite phones, for instance. These gadgets are lifesavers, literally. Unlike our regular cell phones that might gasp and die for signal in remote areas, satellite phones ensure we can make that critical call no matter where we are. And believe me, no one likes the idea of being stuck on a mountainside without a lifeline.

Then there are personal locator beacons (PLBs) and two-way radios. The PLBs are like our personal rescue beacons. When activated in an emergency, they send distress signals with our exact coordinates to search and rescue teams. It's our trusty "Come get me" signal when things go south. And let's not forget those two-way radios. They might feel a bit old-school, but their reliability in the wild is unmatched. Whether it's coordinating with fellow hikers or getting updates from rescue teams, these radios make sure we're not flying solo.

What all these devices do is bring a huge sigh of relief—not just for us out there, but also for our loved ones back home. Knowing we have a direct line to help can turn a potentially nail-biting situation into a manageable one. These little gadgets may not seem like much, but oh, the peace of mind they pack is priceless. So, next time you head out, don't just think about the trail mix and water bottle—make sure your lifeline to safety is all set too!

sustainability through conservation-focused apps

Now, let's talk about a growing trend that's truly close to my heart: conservation-focused apps. These nifty digital tools have made a significant impact on fostering sustainable hiking practices. Think of them as your eco-friendly hiking companions, guiding us to minimize our environmental footprints while we enjoy the great outdoors.

These apps come packed with features that help us become more responsible hikers. They provide valuable information about endangered species, encouraging us to appreciate wildlife from a distance and avoid disturbing their habitats. You wouldn't want to cross paths with a grumpy marmot, would you?

Additionally, these apps highlight protected areas, ensuring we stay on designated trails and avoid sensitive zones where our presence could cause harm. I've found that they also offer practical tips on waste disposal, promoting the "leave no trace" ethos that's essential in preserving the pristine beauty of nature.

Here's how they work their magic:

  • Endangered species alerts: Identify and respect wildlife habitats.
  • Protected area notifications: Stay on trails that minimize ecological impact.
  • Waste disposal guidelines: Properly manage trash and refuse areas.

By using these apps, there's a growing awareness and sense of responsibility among us hikers. It's heartening to see fellow adventurers actively contributing to the preservation of our natural landscapes. Who knew technology could make us better friends with Mother Nature? So, the next time you're out there trekking through the wilderness, let these conservation-focused apps guide you in making choices that respect and protect our planet.

Addressing purist concerns about technology in hiking

Let’s be real for a moment: some of my hiking buddies believe that lugging tech gadgets into the mountains is akin to bringing a smartphone to a candlelit dinner. They argue that technology detracts from the raw, unfiltered communion with nature we all crave. And yes, there’s something profoundly grounding about navigating a trail using just a compass and sheer willpower.

However, it’s all about finding a balance between harnessing technology and preserving the traditional hiking ethos. Keep the tech in your backpack and only pull it out when necessary—think of it as your trail secret, not the star of the show.

Here are a few ways to integrate technology without overshadowing the natural experience:

  • Minimalist use: Use gadgets sparingly, like checking GPS briefly and then tucking it away.
  • Silent mode: Keep devices on silent to soak in the tranquil sounds of nature.
  • Focus on utility: Prioritize tools that enhance safety and sustainability, aligning with the core values of outdoor adventures.

So while I might revel in the marvels of GPS and drones, I also appreciate the charm of a paper map and the thrill of a navigational challenge. Let’s embrace technology, but only as a sidekick in our timeless quest for the great outdoors. After all, the mountains have been around far longer than our gadgets!

the undeniable benefits of technology in hiking

As we navigate through the advancements in hiking technology, it becomes clear that these innovations offer a plethora of benefits. From precision with GPS to fitness tracking, we've delved into gadgets that enhance our outdoor experiences, making them safer and more enjoyable.

Consider the safety tools: the relief in knowing we have satellite phones and personal locator beacons cannot be overstated. These devices dramatically improve our ability to call for help in emergencies, ensuring we're not entirely at the mercy of the wilderness. With communication tools as our steadfast companions, our loved ones can breathe a sigh of relief.

Then there's the uncharted creative territory unlocked by lightweight cameras and drones. Capturing and sharing our breathtaking ventures not only amplifies our personal joy but also inspires others to explore responsibly.

It's all about striking a harmony between savoring the traditional hiking experience and leveraging technology to enhance safety, sustainability, and fun. Ultimately, embracing this blend of adventure and innovation elevates our mountain escapades. So, let's keep pushing those boundaries while respecting the timeless, majestic call of the wild!

engaging anecdote or personal story

So there I was, standing at the base of Mount Snowstorm (a not-so-aptly-named mountain, mostly because I was hiking it in the summer). The goal was to reach the summit by sunset, an ambitious endeavor for someone who wasn’t exactly in peak physical condition. With my trusty GPS device and fitness tracker strapped on, I felt optimistic, if not a little bit like a gadget-laden explorer ready for an alien planet.

About halfway up, I decided to venture off the beaten path to explore a quieter, more secluded trail. Of course, my sense of direction being what it is (an overconfident squirrel on espresso), I quickly found myself questioning if I was still on a trail at all. Thankfully, with a quick glance at my GPS, I was able to confirm my location and some reassurance that I wasn’t completely wandering into the wilderness.

My fitness tracker buzzed gently, notifying me that my heart rate was climbing faster than I was. It was like a non-annoying personal coach reminding me to take a breather. And so, after a moment of catching my breath, I resumed my climb.

The best part, though, was when I reached the summit and unleashed my drone. It captured aerial shots so breathtaking that they didn’t even need an Instagram filter! The photos and videos allowed me to relive the experience and share the journey with friends and family who were in awe of the stunning perspectives. Those jaw-dropping images and the priceless look on everyone's faces were worth every byte of storage on my phone.

At the end of the day, my gadgets didn’t detract from the experience. They added layers of safety, motivation, and joy, making the entire adventure more memorable. Who knew that tech could blend so well with trekking? It was like adding the perfect seasoning to an already delicious meal—just right.

future innovations in hiking technology

Looking ahead, the horizon for hiking technology is delightfully promising. As a tech enthusiast with a penchant for the great outdoors, I'm excited about the emerging trends poised to make our hiking experiences even more enriching.

Augmented reality (AR) is one such innovation on the rise. Imagine navigating trails with AR glasses that overlay real-time information on your surroundings—highlighting flora and fauna, pointing out historical landmarks, or even showing the safest paths as you hike. It’s like carrying a knowledgeable park ranger right on your nose!

Advancements in wearable technology are also set to elevate our journeys. We could soon see wearables capable of tracking hydration levels, providing real-time weather updates, or even detecting changes in altitude pressure to keep us better prepared for changing conditions.

Then there’s the development of sustainable materials for hiking gear. From backpacks made out of recyclable materials to clothing with built-in solar panels for charging devices, sustainability is becoming a key focus. Just imagine charging your GPS with your jacket while you walk!

These innovations promise to blend seamlessly with our natural escapades, enhancing safety, enjoyment, and sustainability. It’s a thrilling time to be a hiker and a tech enthusiast. So, lace up those boots, and get ready for an exciting step forward into the future of hiking!

call to action for responsible use of technology

As a fellow hiker and tech enthusiast, I urge you to use technology responsibly when you're out exploring the wilderness. Relying on digital devices has its perks, but it comes with ethical considerations we mustn't overlook. Preserving natural environments should remain our top priority, even as we embrace modern conveniences.

Here are some practical tips to ensure a balanced and mindful approach:

  • Avoid over-dependence: Use your GPS and other gadgets only when necessary. Embrace traditional skills like map reading and orienteering, which can be both rewarding and enriching.
  • Respect wildlife: Use drones and cameras responsibly. Avoid disturbing wildlife or infringing on their habitats just to get that perfect shot.
  • Minimize environmental impact: Stick to established trails and abide by "leave no trace" principles. Use conservation apps to stay informed about the areas you're hiking in.
  • Silent mode: Keep your devices on silent to fully absorb the serenity of nature. Enjoy the sounds of the forest without the intrusion of digital notifications.

By striking a balance between leveraging technology and respecting our natural surroundings, we can enhance our hiking adventures while ensuring that the pristine beauty of the mountains remains for future generations to enjoy. So, pack your gadgets thoughtfully, but never forget the timeless call of the wild that brings us back to nature.

See also:

25 Years in IT: A Journey of Expertise

2017 - 2023


Hands-On Chief Technology Officer
For this rapidly growing startup, established in 2014 and focused on developing a smart assistant for managing energy subscription plans, I led a transformative initiative to shift from a monolithic Rails application to a scalable, high-load architecture based on microservices.

2015 - 2017

Propulsion Ecommerce

Co-founder / IT Guy
As a co-founder of this data-driven cross-border e-commerce platform, I led initiatives focusing on drip marketing campaigns and SEO hacks, crucial for growth without external funding. I co-managed a core team of 8 in-house professionals, complemented by an outsourced content writing team based in Madagascar.

2010 - 2013

Second Bureau

Co-founder / Managing Director Asia
I played a pivotal role as a co-founder of this IT Services company, where we specialized in assisting local, state-owned, and international companies in crafting and implementing their digital marketing strategies. I hired and managed a team of 17 engineers.

SwitchUp Logo

SwitchUp is dedicated to creating a smart assistant designed to oversee customer energy contracts, consistently searching the market for better offers.

In 2017, I joined the company to lead a transformation plan towards a scalable solution. Since then, the company has grown to manage 200,000 regular customers, with the capacity to optimize up to 30,000 plans each month.Role:
In my role as Hands-On CTO, I:
- Architected a future-proof microservices-based solution.
- Developed and championed a multi-year roadmap for tech development.
- Built and managed a high-performing engineering team.
- Contributed directly to maintaining and evolving the legacy system for optimal performance.
Balancing short-term needs with long-term vision was crucial for this rapidly scaling business. Resource constraints demanded strategic prioritization. Addressing urgent requirements like launching new collaborations quickly could compromise long-term architectural stability and scalability, potentially hindering future integration and codebase sustainability.
Proficient in Ruby (versions 2 and 3), Ruby on Rails (versions 4 to 7), AWS, Heroku, Redis, Tailwind CSS, JWT, and implementing microservices architectures.

Arik Meyer's Endorsement of Gilles Crofils
Second Bureau Logo

Second Bureau
Second Bureau was a French company that I founded with a partner experienced in the e-retail.
Rooted in agile methods, we assisted our clients in making or optimizing their internet presence - e-commerce, m-commerce and social marketing. Our multicultural teams located in Beijing and Paris supported French companies in their ventures into the Chinese market


Thank you !

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Please be aware that the articles published on this blog are created using artificial intelligence technologies, specifically OpenAI, Gemini and MistralAI, and are meant purely for experimental purposes.These articles do not represent my personal opinions, beliefs, or viewpoints, nor do they reflect the perspectives of any individuals involved in the creation or management of this blog.

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